We all dream (whether we remember our dreams or not), and our dreams can be a living theater for the dynamic cast of characters described by IFS. Dreamwork and IFS sit side-by-side, with front row seats at this theater of the psyche, and, like IFS, dreamwork shows deep appreciation for the ways that the various actors on our inner stage play their roles and rely upon one another for their cues. In my view, IFS and dreams share some intrinsically spiritual perspectives, which is to say that both are concerned with meaning, connection, and trust in something within and beyond ourselves. Dreams and IFS invite us to get closer to the unfolding performance of our lives, to experience ourselves and one another with curiosity, compassion, courage, creativity, and other essential qualities of Self.
To read more about IFS & Dreamwork, click on the full downloadable article below:
Note: You are welcome to share this article with others on social media or for personal use, but please do not make edits or changes without my written consent. When sharing, remember to attribute my work appropriately to its source (Kerry Backstrom) and include my website information (www.wholeheartedpresence.org). Many thanks!
IFS BASICS: The above article (“Dream Team”) assumes that you know a bit about the Internal Family Systems model. If you are not familiar with IFS, click on the succulents photo for some basic information.
COMPASS DREAMWORK: To visit Kerry’s website on dreams, dreaming, & dreamwork as spiritual practice, click on the playground photo. (www.compassdreamwork.com)
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